
Xiang Gao


I am interested in the area of network and computer security. My current research interests include federated learning, applied cryptography, cloud data security. I also work on other fields, including quantum cryptography and blockchain

Please feel free to contact me! gxcuit@163.com


Xiang Gao(高翔) is currently a security researcher in NSFOCUS Technologies Group Co.,Ltd(绿盟科技). He received his M.Eng from College of Computer Science and Technology, Qingdao University in 2021, supervised by Prof. Jia Yu. He received his B.Eng from School of CyberSecurity, Chengdu University of Information and Technology in 2018, supervised by Prof. Yan Chang. He was a PI of a National Undergraduate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Nos. 201710621027).

Honors and Awards :

  1. The National Scholarship, 2020 (硕士研究生国家奖学金)
  2. The First Prize Scholarship, 2020, Qingdao University
  3. The First Prize Scholarship, 2019, Qingdao University (rank:4/60 )
  4. The Top Prize Scholarship, 2017, Chengdu University of Information Technology (TOP 1%, rank 1/121)
  5. The First Prize Scholarship, 2016, Chengdu University of Information Technology

Journal/Conference Reviewers :

  1. Modern Physics Letters B
  2. IEEE access
  3. International Journal of Theoretical Physics
  4. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security(2019,2020,2022)

Research interests:

Cloud data Security,private computing and Quantum cryptography .