
Xiang Gao



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  1. X. Gao, J. Yu, Y. Chang, H. Wang and J. Fan, “Checking Only When It Is Necessary: Enabling Integrity Auditing Based on the Keyword with Sensitive Information Privacy for Encrypted Cloud Data,” in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, doi: 10.1109/TDSC.2021.3106780. (SCI CCF A IF:7.329)
  2. Gao X, Yu J, Shen W T, et al. Achieving low-entropy secure cloud data auditing with file and authenticator deduplication[J]. Information Sciences, 2020. (SCI CCF B 一区TOP IF:5.91)
  3. Gao, X., Zhang, S. & Chang, Y. Cryptanalysis and Improvement of the Semi-quantum Secret Sharing Protocol. Int J Theor Phys (2017) 56: 2512. (SCI)
  4. Gao, X. & Chang, Y. & Zhang, S. et al. Quantum private query based on Bell state and single photons Int J Theor Phys (2018) 57: 1983. (SCI)
  5. Gao, X. & Zhang, S. & Chang, Y. et al. Cryptanalysis of the Quantum Private Comparison Protocol Based on the Entanglement Swapping Between Three-Particle W-Class State and Bell State Int J Theor Phys (2018) 57: 1716 (SCI)
  6. Bai, J., Yu, J. and Gao, X., Secure auditing and deduplication for encrypted cloud data supporting ownership modification. Soft Computing, pp.1-18. (SCI)
  7. Chang, Y. & Xiong, J. & Gao, X. et al .Quantum Private Query Protocol Based on EPR Pairs Chinese Journal of Electronics,2018, 27(2): 256-262.(SCI)
  8. Tao Zheng, Shibin Zhang, Xiang Gao and Yan Chang Practical quantum private query based on Bell state Modern Physics Letters A (SCI)
  9. Tao Z, Gao X, Zhang S, et al. [Multi-function Quantum Cryptography Protocol Based on Bell StateC] International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security., 2019: 110-119.